Saturday, April 28, 2012

HOT Spring Party.

This week is going to be a week of social dancing: I've already been in three dance parties and there is two more to come! Yesterday I went to HOT-Dancing's spring dance party to Otaniemi and here are some pictures from the evening:

It was great, for a change, to actually have some space for dancing! I don't mean that there weren't enough dancers, quite the opposite, but the dance floor was big enough. Even though there were many familiar dancers I wanted to dance with I was trying to do my best and dance with some new dancers I never danced before. I also really liked HOS Big Band's music and groovy energy. In addition, we had a surprise demo performance from F&A! Aren't them just great:

Talking about Andressa, I am going to her Zouk workshop for ladies today. It is going to include things like body and head work, beauty and sensuality, stetching techniques, balance and following skills, so many things I really need to work with. Let's see if I still have energy for tonight's dance party after all the dancing this week.


  1. Tosi hienoja kuvia! (: Vähän harmittaa ettei itellä ollut kameraa mukana. Saisinko käyttää yhtä noista tanssikuvista blogissani, jos saisin vihdoin pitkästä aikaa kirjoitettua tanssiin liittyvän postauksen? Laitan tietty kuvatekstiin linkin tai nimesi tai jotakin mitä haluat, jos saan käyttää (:

  2. Hei Sufffe! Joo, voit käyttää kuvia, jos liität kuviin nimeni ja linkin tänne. Ja tietty olisi kiva saada linkki blogiisi, niin voin lueskella toisen mielipiteitä bileistä :)

  3. Kiitos (: Blogini löytyy osoitteesta Ei siellä nyt paljon noista bilestä tekstiä ole, lähinnä tuo on tuollaista yleistä tanssivinkunaa
