Monday, July 11, 2011

Welcome To The Intermediate Level!

Wow, I am so excited about what happened at today's practice! I don't know what really happened but I made so huge improvement I cannot believe! I didn't do anything differently on purpose but everything just felt so much easier and more effortless from the beginning. Oh you should have seen Nic's face! He was being so surprised and proud and happy at the same time.

So we started with Rumba walks and I tried to keep in mind the main four things: move forward with hip first, imagine my spine going to the opposite direction, keep my body up straight and shift the weight slowly from one leg to another. At first I had to focus on keeping my balance so Nic gave me a good tip: when moving the weight to the front leg, try to push yourself forward with the back leg. After the last walk I made across the dance floor, Nic sang out: Welcome to the intermediate level! He said I'm starting to have this kind of aura around me. I couldn't help smiling.

I kept on the good work with doing the lady solo spin practice. Nic was looking at my legs with his mouth open. "That is so latin!" he kept on repeating while taking pictures for an evidence. I think dancing lots of Salsa lately has definitely paid off! I feel like I'm finally pretty balanced and confident dancing with my shoes. I am also more open on trying new things even though my attempts might be disasters. Before I was more buttoned up and always afraid of looking ridiculous. Dancing is about throwing yourself completely into it.

We also did some Dirty Dancing lifts again (we were able to keep it for 2 secs, yay!) and practiced a new move to Slowfox (the Great Escape, as Nic called it). What a successful practice all in all. I am so proud of myself! And I know Nic is also.

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