Monday, July 18, 2011

Opera Salsaing.

So it is Monday again. One of my favorite weekdays because we have our long practice today. But I must say, wow, yesterday at the Opera was just simply amazing. I haven't had that much fun there yet! Lots of people, good music, great dancers, nice weather and happy feeling.

I had a great weekend behind me so it didn't really bother me that Nic went to this nice Salsa party on Friday without me. Actually one girl Nic danced there asked him if he had a dancing partner because she was looking for one. Sorry girl, Nic is mine and there is no way someone can steal him from me! Anyway, it is nice to know that even if Nic could get a way better dancer he still wants to stick with me. Now I don't feel worried leaving him for one month in couple of weeks for my InterRail trip. I know that when I come back I still have my dancing partner and we can start practicing soon after I return.

Before I felt kind of jealous if Nic danced with others. Somehow I felt like I would have to be better than all of them to be able to keep Nic happy. Now I have realized that this way of thinking is incorrect. It is not about how good you are or how good you can be. Its about having the same enthusiasm and passion for dancing. Its about sharing your heart and soul with each other. It is hard to find someone who thinks alike and shares the same values plus haves the same drive to dancing as you do. Nic is my first and only dance partner and I feel so lucky that our paths crossed one year ago.

Yesterday Nic was dancing with this amazing dancer and they looked so good together. I know Nic was being little worried of how I was feeling about this but I simply enjoyed watching them dance. It is always a pleasure to wacth a dance couple who knows what they are doing. The only thing that bothers me was that after dancing with her Nic was too exhausted to dance with me! Well okay, after a short break we were already making some cool moves on the dance floor, including one crazy bending that I really loved. I had the perfect feeling for dancing yesterday and didn't want to stop dancing at all (sorry Nic if I was so demanding!). We also danced some Batchata for a long time and the moment we started Nic asked: have you been watching some girls dancing Batchata here!? Yes, I am quite good copycat I must say!

While Nic was dancing with others one dance teacher asked me to dance. He is really talented and been dancing a long time. Dancing with him proved that I am still in the beginner level when it comes to dancing with others than Nic. He was really nice though and I am hoping to dance with him soon again. I don't know why but I am quite nervous when dancing with others and its hard to relax and just enjoy. I guess it is my perfectionism that is pushing through; hating of making mistakes and expecting to be better than I am from the beginning. I think I should just be brave and ask people to dance to get over this problem. So guys, come and ask me for a dance next time you see me (but be patient with my mistakes)!

Now that we have been in quite many Salsa events lately, we are slowly getting into the Salsa society here in Helsinki. I also noticed most of my postings have been about Salsa. However, we are still concentrating only to ballroom dances in our practices. Next step then is to get into the ballroom dancing circles!

BTW, here is a video about crazy Salsa dancing. Seriously, thats C-R-A-Z-Y!

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