Friday, December 23, 2011

Dance Me To The End Of Time.

I have been thinking already quite a while of asking Nic if he could give me couple of dance lessons, but I was too worried he would refuse. This week, however, I saw my moment coming and slipped out the question. I couldn't help smiling when the first thing he asked was "where?". Nic revealed that he was analyzing every single move I made when we were dancing on Saturday (I should have guessed!) and he already started to plan the crucial things to go through with me. I cannot say how happy I am about this. I really miss our practices and Nic knows best how to teach me. Oh I cannot wait for January!

I tried to set as many dance practices for this week before I left Helsinki for Christmas holiday but I had to settle for only two. On Tuesday I met up with JV. We had to share the practice place with another dance couple so this time we danced also some other dances than Zouk. It was actually quite refreshing! JV tried to lead couple of new figures but I still have lots to do with my following, even though I have been improving a lot since I started to learn following in September. I remember how horrible I was in the beginning. Every dance was a struggle! Anyway, I am happy about my improvement but still quite lost if someone is leading something new to me. Our practice reminded me that I also have to take an eye to my posture and the position of my hip.

On Wednesday I had a Zouk practice with Michaelo. Firstly we watched a video of our dancing from Sunday's practica. To tell the truth, I was quite shocked how our and especially my dancing looked like. It was too soft and flat and missed all excitement and sharpness. The camera is cruel and shows every single mistake, but videotaping dancing is a great way to see what you need change. The biggest things what I need to concentrate on is finishing of my movements, my posture and basic steps - so the very basics! Even though we have still a lot to do with our zoukking, a good thing is that we both are very analytical and willing to work on our weaknesses. Keeping in mind the things we need to improve we went through couple of figures from Pasty & Josta and one from Kadu & Larissa. In addition we spent lots of time laughing and fooling around. Sometimes, like if you want to have an efficient practice, it is not a good thing to have similar sense of humor, but at least we are having fun!

Having all this extra time before Christmas has been making me to think about my relationship to dancing. I have to say that there are four special persons that have had a huge effect on how I am as a dancer now. I would be really different if I didn't meet those persons. Firstly Nic, you were the one who made me addicted to dancing. Without you I wouldn't probably dance at all. Now I cannot even think my life without dancing! You changed my life and you changed me, thank you. Secondly Mr A., you encouraged me to continue dancing when you saw me struggle and  made me feel welcomed into the dance circles. You have made me more confident dancer, thank you. Thirdly JV, you made me start dancing Zouk. You asked me to be your dance partner knowing that I had no idea about Zouk and since that have taught me so much, thank you. Finally Michaelo, you have made me feel really special dancer. You have deepened my love to dancing, thank you. I am so happy that I met all of you and got not only talented dance partners but also four great friends. It is hard to imagine my life without any of you.

But now I will quiet down and enjoy my restful Christmas time. I'll be back with dancing next week.

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