Monday, November 7, 2011

Good And Bad News.

Here are some quick updates from last week's dancing:

- Tuesday's Spex practice for dance 1 went great and I am now really excited about this dance! Our choreographer said we'll need only two more practices together to be able to finish the choreography. Love love love this dance!

- I was able to get back my light feeling in Zouk in Havanna's Zouk party on Tuesday evening. I danced 'till I was too tired to continue and missed my bus while dancing with one great Zouk dancer. Later he said he was really happily surprised dancing with me, which made me smile.

- I noticed in Wednesday's beginner Salsa class, that I'm already pass this level. Sadly, I even felt bored going through some moves. Fortunately I had a practice with Mr. A. after the class, which saved my day. We played great music, danced whatever felt good and simply had FUN. Awesome.

- Thursday was a long dance day, since I had two HOT classes and Spex practice. In the intermediate class we had Bugg, and I am still struggling with the basic steps and the hand press, so I decided to find someone to teach me those. Salsa was fun as always, and the Cuban style is already getting easier and more natural for me. In Spex practice we went through choreography for dance 2 for the first time and it is just perfect for the song. I really like the atmosphere of it and I'm happy to dance this song.

- I asked someone from HOT-dancing classes to be my practice partner and he said yes! I have been wondering for a long time if I should ask him but I was afraid he would say no. Well, it was good to be brave this time! He is a fun guy, has a lot of potential and the right attitude. All we need to do now is to find a suitable practice time and place. Well, realistically we won't start practicing together before my Spex dances are over, but I'm already looking forward to it.

- Friday started a less-fun dancing period for the rest of the week. We were practicing new choreography intensively for Spex dance 4 because our choreographer was in Helsinki just for the weekend, and I somehow managed to rupture my muscle. I was hoping that it wouldn't be too bad, and the next morning it was feeling okay. But when I went to the practice, it just (surprisingly!) got worse, and I got worried. It even hurt to walk up the stairs! Good thing I had to skip Saturday's Spex go-through and was able to rest my muscle for the rest of the day.

-Sunday was probably the worst day for a long time, and I felt horrible already when I was going to my Spex dance practice in the morning. My brain didn't work, I had to learn one more new choreography (in which I didn't succeed) and it just wasn't my day. I had two dance practices in the morning and Spex go-through for the rest of the day. When I finally got off from the practices I was exhausted and felt miserable. Even though I did okay in the go-through, I felt like people were disappointed in me for not remembering my choreography and standing out from everyone else's good performance. It didn't help that at some point in the practice I also landed badly to my right foot which is now hurting really badly. Ouch. Now I'm having a two day break from dance practices and praying that my body to heal during that. Let's hope that next time I have only good news to tell.

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