Thursday, April 18, 2013

More Than Dance.

It feels like forever since I last time sat down to write my blog, and yes, its been a while and a lot has happened since. Actually a lot has happened since I left Helsinki in the beginning of February even though you might not see it from here. It always seems to happen that when my life gets busy for some reason or another (because of dancing in the best case of course) I can't find enough time to write, whether it is this blog, an email to mum or something else. Frankly, I rather pack my dance shoes and head to the dance floor.

Ever since I decided to get active and do things I have been doing lots. My mid-semester break was crazy: I spent Easter camping with dancer-friends, moved to a new house (located conveniently next to the WCS classes), studied big time to complete some assignments and had an awesome trip to Vanuatu's beautiful islands. I couldn't fit much of dancing there but it was great to do something else than dancing for a change. Besides, going back to the dance floor after a short break feels great. Its like coming back home: a safe and familiar place where you don't have to be nothing else than yourself.

Talking about home, that is what Brisbane has started to feel like, and getting into the dancing circles have actually much to do with that. What I have always loved about couple dancing is that dancers have kind of formed my other family. When going to a dance party I never have to worry about being alone even if I didn't want to spend the night on the dance floor; those are the times I can catch up with my friends. When I got to Brisbane and knew no one, going to a dance party was really exciting and I never knew what was going to happen. Now I know where to go and who I should try to grab at least for a one great dance, so the excitement has kind of lost its intensity. But what I like more is to feel like stepping into a room full of friends rather than mysterious strangers. I can relax, have fun until the end of the night or leave early, dance or hang out, whatever I happen to feel like that time. It is not just dancing that brings me there; its the people who I want to see and spend my time with. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to make as many friends here as I have if I didn't dance. I no longer have to search for suggested events in Facebook to fill my "social time": now I have difficulties even to choose from everything what is happening!

After the short dance break, I have to admit, I felt uneasy going back to the West Coast classes. I felt like I was not improving at all and that I wasn't getting into the circles over there. I even started to regret that I got that stupid pass to the festival happening next month. Having a constant feeling that I have to get better fast is something that can put down the enjoyment part of dancing too easily. I'm no West Coast dancer, what was I thinking! came to my mind over and over again. But when I got to the class, I had such a warm welcome back and had so much fun that it totally changed my attitude. I also was finally brave enough to ask someone, who I have actually been wanting to ask ever since my first class, to have a practice together to receive some feedback and tips, and he said yes (insert jumping up and down here)! This is something I have been missing: to have a proper practice with a good dancer who can point out those small things I non-knowingly do wrong. I'm exited to get to work on those on today's class to see if I can get my over-moving hips into control.

I am also really looking forward the coming weekend which will be basically devoted to dancing - and dancers. Big Zouk party on Friday, three house parties on Saturday (including dancing of course) and a boat trip with dancers on Sunday. Oh, Mr A., remember warning me that dancing will change my circle of friends to include only dancers? Really, it shouldn't have been a warning, but one more good reason to keep on dancing.

1 comment:

  1. Love you too. :)

    And I can say that I do miss you. But I feel happy and proud that you are having fun and learning new dances.

    - "Mr. A".
