Last weekend was supposed to be a dance free one because my mum and sister came to visit me (and there were no weekend dance parties in Helsinki. Again, second weekend a row! I'm getting worried about the city's dance scene...). However, here I am, my thighs actually hurting from dancing. I met up with N Girl and Eazy on Saturday for Zouk ladies styling practice that I found very useful. We went through the videos we took from Prague's ladies styling classes and Andressa's workshop, and concentrated to the basic things. It was great to have the girls there to give some feedback and explain how they do the things I have problems with. I felt like I now have a better idea of my body work. Thanks honeys, let's do this again some time soon!
Pretty girl <3 |
Later that evening I went to Zouk Social to HSA. Before I went there I was a bit worried how the evening would turn out because there were no one else than JV from my "regular" zouk leaders coming, and usually I dance just with those leaders. This was actually a good thing because now I had to dance with new people (and they had to dance with me because there weren't that many people, ha!), and I had so much fun! I was really happy to find good connection with some that I hadn't had that before, yay! I now notice how much I have learned during the last few months I've been taking F&A's classes. My body work had started to look like I'm actually dancing Rio style Zouk and not something that reminds that. My following has also gone a lot better I think. And it is not just me who has improved but all the people taking their classes. After a while we'll have great Zouk scene here and a lot new dancers. How awesome is that!

On sunny Sunday evening I found myself in Opera Salsa. I didn't spend that much time on the dance floor but enough to keep me warm in the gradually cooling evening. It is going to be so nice when it gets a little bit warmer, hmmm. I don't know if its the weather or what but I've noticed that all I've been wanting to do lately is dancing. No motivation for studying tax law what so ever. Today I watched my calendar and felt bad not having enough dancing there for this week. Well, maybe I'll figure something out. At least I can always force someone to have a dance practice with me!
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