It has been one year now since I started dancing. During that year I have spent countless of hours in different dance floors, met dozens of new amazing people and learnt so much about myself. I seriously cannot imagine my life without dancing anymore. Sounds maybe corny but dancing has changed me. I have had my ups and downs but in the end I am just so happy that I have found something that I enjoy doing so much.
I have traveled a long way from a curious girl to a dancer who knows what she wants from dancing. I cannot say that I am a beginner anymore but the more I learn the more it makes me realize how much I still need and want to learn. In the beginning it was easy to take big leaps, and that gave me a lot of motivation. It was great to make people gasp by telling how short time I had been dancing and to get comments like "no way you have been dancing only for three months!". Well, it doesn't go like that anymore, and sometimes I find myself worrying that I am not getting forward at all. Then I just have to remind myself what is the reason why I dance: for enjoyment and for having fun.

What I find both beautiful and sad about dancing is that the special moments are there just for a short time. When the song is over, so is the feeling and connection that I got during the dance. I can have many great moments but every time they are different. Many say that you should live in the moment and in dancing it is exactly that, enjoying the short moment as much as you can before it vanishes. Therefore dancing can be deceiving: it can hook you up to the good feeling of those short moments, but since they are gone as fast as they came it makes you crave for more. It is so easy to let yourself drown into the world of dancing and forget other things that are important in life. Finding balance has been a big lesson for me during this year.
Even though I have come a long way during this year, I have even loner way to go. If I want to become the kind of dancer I want to be I need to keep on moving forward. Nothing endures but change.
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