The final rehearsal was hectic. Everybody were running around in the back stage, everything was lost and people were stressed but I enjoyed the feeling. This was the first time we had all our dance clothes and make up on, and it gave the the extra thing to the performance. It is hard to believe that it really was the last practice after all the hard work. I simply cannot wait for tomorrow!
To relax my mind about Spex for a while I had couple of Zouk practices yesterday. First I met JV and we went through the figures we learned in the Zouk festival. With the help of JV I was able to fix some problems I've been having with my spins and all in all the practice went really well. I have been learning a lot the last two months and its reflecting to our practices too. We can now concentrate to more specific things and I have a feeling that also JV is getting more out of our dancing. Later I had my first practice with my new dance partner Michaelo. It is amazing how well we dance together already. We must use our bodies the same way. Its like putting two puzzle pieces together, click. Michaelo gives lots of good feedback about small things and it helps me to pay attention to things I've learned the wrong way. Right, we still need time to get the connection and leading/following perfect but for the first practice it was already in a really good level. Our practice was so efficient and we both are really eager to learn more. I have a feeling that we don't need much time to get our zoukking great. I am so lucky to find these amazing dancers to dance with!

But now my mind is just in the Spex and tomorrow's premiere. It is going to be a blast! Who would have guessed nine months ago when I started dancing that I would be dancing in a stage in less than 24 hours? Incredible but true.
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