Today we had our first Spex rehearsal in Gloria and we were finally able to see the stage where we'll be performing in less than two weeks. Actually the stage was bigger than I imagined but the auditorium didn't look that big and scary at all! Having the rehearsal in the actual stage made everybody think how close the premiere is. I think the dances went good and everybody is doing better every time.

However, at the moment I am not as close as excited about the forthcoming showings as I was before. It is not because I would be bored dancing the same choreography over and over again, or that I would be somehow nervous of not doing well. One thing that made me addicted to dancing from the beginning was that it forced me to be me. Now when I enter the stage I feel fake. I am not being me but I have to act someone else. Well, I'm performing in a play, so it was wrong to expect something else I guess. Being me is just not enough. The problem is that when I cannot be me, I don't get the joy I usually get from dancing. I know it is really important to pay attention to every single detail in group dancing, but you know what? I'd rather see myself in the stage being me and enjoying what I do than doing all the moves perfect.
By the way, yesterday Nic had his birthday and I was able to induce him to Noche Romantica's small Christmas dance party to Havanna. The place was packed and it was exactly what I needed. I think I didn't stop smiling the whole evening! The best thing was that Nic agreed to dance with me after... how long is it now, four months? Wow. All I can say is that he is an awesome Salsa dancer, and I tried my best to take the most out of that unusual situation. Nic said that I have learned a lot since last time we danced, some things he maybe even couldn't teach me. It is funny how you cannot see some obvious things others see easily. As soon as Nic said that to me I realized I have become a lot more relaxed when dancing.
Yesterday's party reminded me once again what is the most important thing about dancing: to have fun. I am confident that I will find myself also from the stage and that in the showings the audience can see the joy of dancing from my sparkling eyes.
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