I found out about this free Zouk lesson through my new friend from HOT-dancing, and since I didn't have anything planned for Friday evening, I couldn't resist on going there. It was funny, I seriously had butterflies in my stomach when I was on my way to Alppila high school! I hadn't had that feeling for a long time, how weird! The place was the kind of place you wouldn't expect finding dancing lessons, and I would have never ended up there on my own, but the space was really good for dancing (only this missing was mirrors but it didn't really matter this time). I came there a bit early since I always rather be early than late, and felt myself little awkward sitting there alone, not knowing anyone. Fortunately some familiar faces from HOT-dance appeared and eased my anxiety.
The lesson started at 7 pm with a short warm-up after which we practiced the basic step. Same may say that basic step training is boring but it is the basis of every dance. If you can't do the basic steps right, you can't do anything else right either. And since it was really my first time doing Zouk, the approach was just perfect. In the end we moved on to some simple figures but one hour was just not enough for many of those. After the lesson I had a pleasure of dancing with one nice guy who taught me more about the basic idea behind the dance and some new moves. I hope to dance with him again some day soon.
Somehow the dance felt really natural way of moving to me. Everybody were so surprised when I told it was my first time zouking! I really like the idea of having strong connection between the dance partners. Its like dancing in a separate world away from everything else, and that's what dancing is for me in the end. I also loved the music and the dance is a lot to do with that. It is true what they say about Zouk: if you try it once, you cannot stop. I wonder if that is the reason the first lesson was free?
I could definitely imagine me being a Zouk dancer, and I think I would learn quite fast if I had a good teacher. The thing is the if. Do you happen to know anyone?
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