Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dear Diary,

I haven't been opening my heart to you for a while. I should have since it always makes me understand what is going on in my mind. My approach to dancing is the same what I have for life: I go with my feelings first. This doesn't make my life easy and it does cause some extra drama every now and then, but its not a thing I would like to change really. Usually listening my feelings leads me to the right track and shows me the way I want to follow. One other thing that then again that doesn't apply both dancing and life is thinking before doing. Dancing is at its best when I don't have or want to think of anything. I just do what feels good or right, or even better: what I don't even realize doing. Doing the same thing in life, however, tends to lead into trouble or, at least, makes it a bit more complicated. Unfortunately sometimes I follow my feelings so slavish that I find myself doing things I might have not done after thinking it through.

My feelings are one thing to blame when it comes spending all my time (and money!) to dancing. Dancing can just feel so amazingly good and sometimes it makes me discover some feelings I have never felt before. Before the summer I decided that I was going to have a relaxing and quiet summer: no commitments, no plans nor tight schedules. But what have I been doing the whole June: running from one dance event/practice/class/party to another! Damn you dancing, you ruined my peaceful plans! Then again, the summer has already made me so happy and there is no denying that I have had heaps of fun. So, if you don't hear from me, I'll most probably be doing the same I've been doing the last couple of weeks.

You know what is the best thing of coming back home from dancing weekends? The people you've danced with add you in Facebook and send you thanks-for-the-amazing-dances-messages! Even though its a small thing, it gives me a good feeling every single time, and it just happens to be that the messages come from the dancers I enjoyed dancing with the most. I bet all of my favorite leaders just don't happen to also be polite and the leaders I didn't like that much not. What I like the least after coming back home is (in addition to the lack of sleep and huge amount of tiredness) going to a local dance party and not having a possibility to get surprised of great connection with people you've never met before. However, after coming back from Berlin I had a great night in Havanna's Zouk&Kizomba evening when I had no chance of leaving the dance floor. I hope my homecoming will be that easy the next time too.

So I have again huge amount of videos from Berlin and also from Tampere Bachata & Kizomba festivals in my camera to post here. But you know what, Diary, it is summer now and I don't feel like having any more extra responsibilities, so I might just keep them to myself.
Zoukking in Berlin. Photo by Berg Chabot.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Can You Control Me?

So here I am, at the airport waiting for my flight to Berlin Zouk Congress! The reason I'm still waiting is a Finnair's strike that just happened to start two days ago. Let's see when my flight actually leaves... Anyway, unlike last congresses, this time I don't feel nervous or anxious but just super excited to meet new dancers and to have so much fun in the dance classes and parties. The weekend is going to be awesome, I tell you! This week I also signed in for a week-long Mzouk intensive course that is going to be held in Barcelona in the beginning of August. All of the Finnish Zouk dancers that went there last year said that its definitely worth going to so I couldn't resist. I also got N Girl to go there with me. We still need to sort out our accommodation, flights and stuff but I'm already so happy that I decided to go there even though I'll have to limit all my summer holidays just for these two Zouk events.

Last Zouk class the whole group got some personal feedback from F&A. It is little bit ironic that my biggest weakness is also my biggest strength. See, I have lots of energy when I dance, which is really good, but sometimes it is hard for the leader or for me to control that energy, and that is when things start going wrong. Then again, it is better to have too much and take some out than not have enough and try to put something more. I just need to concentrate to control my movements and following better and I can move to the next level! Its great that we can get this kind of feedback especially when F&A have been following our development for a longer period of time.

Okay, my flight is finally leaving! Berlin here I come!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

If You Dance With Your Heart, Your Body Will Follow.

So much to write about but no time to write about it. So many great dances and new dance feelings. No can do, I need to sleep too. This is what I have to tell you though: on Thursday evening I will be zoukking in Berlin! It is summer and life smiles.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

When One Is Not Enough.

What is better than dancing with a great leader? Dancing with two great leaders of course! Couple of days ago I had my first ever threesome Zouk practice with JV and Big O. I have no idea how I was able to get two of my top three favorite Finnish Zouk leaders all to myself for one evening, but more relevant question is: how can I make this happen again?!

There is no denying it: I love dancing with two leaders. I feel like being in the center of attention (and who wouldn't like getting attention...?) and since guys usually have tendency to change everything into a competition, they give that extra something into their part of the dance. Also, the leaders have to adapt their leading in according with the other to be able to make the changes fluently. I guess it also gives new ideas to the leaders, and no one knows what is going to happen next. Refressing, surprising and highly recommended! Oh, and an easy way of making other followers jealous for occupying two leaders all to yourself, hehe.

Right, dancing with two leaders isn't the easiest thing to do, especially if their leading differs a lot. You have to adapt your following in a snap dozens of times during one dance, and find the connection again and again. What a great (and fun!) way to practice following though!

Anyway, here is a video from our practice. Notice my super happy face in the end of the dance. When can we do this again boys?!

By the way leaders: feel free to ask me for a threesome dance whenever you feel like it. Yeah, no objections.